
  • Jimmy, Austria

    Jimmy, Austria

    My early childhood was marked by a sensitive and artistic temperament. At pre-teen age, my older cousin who was also my best friend, introduced me into sexuality in inappropriate ways. This exposure led to shared sexual experiences during one summer, experiences that he outgrew by the next year, leaving me feeling isolated, rejected and confused.……

  • Muammar Chowdhury, Chattogram, Bangladesh

    Muammar Chowdhury, Chattogram, Bangladesh

    I’m Muammar Chowdhury, a bisexual boy. And it’s my journey towards Islam ☪️.From my early adolescence I noticed that my feelings were first I thought it is normal. But eventually I understood I’m different. From my childhood I was bullied for my feminine nature. That’s why I didn’t had many friends in my early……

  • Ahmed – Melbourne, Australia

    Ahmed – Melbourne, Australia

    For many years, I was seeing the same therapist (Muslim) on and off, primarily in her office and occasionally, if need be, through video-link when I was living abroad. It was mainly talking therapy in regard to my SSA and my anxiety, practising various breathing techniques. I would say, not much, If anything at all……

  • Yusuf Taha – Texas, USA

    Yusuf Taha – Texas, USA

    I have had same-sex attractions for as long as I can remember having any attractions. As a teenager, I learned to keep my feelings to myself as they would not be accepted and had the potential to bring me harm. At the time I was working very hard to maintain a mask and stifling any……

  • Christopher Baines – Bradford, United Kingdom

    Christopher Baines – Bradford, United Kingdom

    I turned straight in November 2021 after being gay for about 37 years (since I was 13 thereabouts). My father neglected me and mentally, physically and sexually abused me. I suffered bullying at school. I scored an 8 (highest score available) on the ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) index. This left me with CPTSD which manifested……

  • Noah – Toronto, Canada

    Noah – Toronto, Canada

    My father’s neglect, emotional abuse, my mother’s emotional abuse and living in a dysfunctional family where my masculinity was seen as volatile, I was shamed repeatedly for being a boy and was forced to act like a girl throughout my childhood. School forcefully crossed dressed me and later I was sexually abused by a relative.……

  • Athena – New York, USA

    Athena – New York, USA

    Ever since I was young, I could always remember myself feeling more inclined towards the same-sex. I can’t pinpoint at what age I remember it started but I feel like it was either at 7,8, or 9 years old. At first, I didn’t believe that I was attracted to the same-sex. I tried to deny……

  • Muhair – USA

    Muhair – USA

    Around middle school, it was around the time I was beginning to feel the temptations seek in. But when hitting 9th grade in high school, that’s when it became evident. A friend I knew in middle school became an arousing crush (not really a romantic interest but more so over a sexual interest). I then……

  • Mehrosh – Islamabad, Pakistan

    Mehrosh – Islamabad, Pakistan

    There was no precedent for my SSA, for as long as I can remember, I looked at girls differently, the way my peers described their attraction to boys was the way I felt towards girls, as well as guys, however, my attraction to guys has decreased considerably over time while my SSA remains prominent.. more……

  • Muhammad – New York, USA

    Muhammad – New York, USA

    My same-sex attraction started when I was 15 after a sexual abuse incident. The perpetrator was one of my relatives. Prior to that, I did not have an attraction towards men. What sort of things helped you in your journey and through your struggle? After 23 years I discovered that there is therapy offered for……