Christopher Baines – Bradford, United Kingdom
I turned straight in November 2021 after being gay for about 37 years (since I was 13 thereabouts). My father neglected me and mentally, physically and sexually abused me. I suffered bullying at school. I scored an 8 (highest score available) on the ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) index. This left me with CPTSD which manifested in extreme social anxiety. It has been a plague on my life and hampered my achievements. I’ve been attracted to men most of my life. Alhamdulillaah, now I see guys as potential friends and women as friends and potential partners.
What sort of things helped you in your journey and through your struggle?
I always try to be truthful. Islam provided me with a framework. After listening to the “A Way Beyond The Rainbow” podcast by Waheed Jensen, I felt calm and at inner peace; my binge habits disappeared and my homosexuality was reversed. I also discovered that my son had said a prayer for me.
What things did not help you in your journey?
People’s prejudices from both sides.
Any additional comments you wish to make?
If the people at Stonewall had been left to go about their business in a discreet manner instead of being harassed, then we would never have had a need for LGBT, to which I am not and never have been affiliated. My Muslim identity has defined me since I accepted Islam thirty years ago.