Yusuf Taha – Texas, USA

Yusuf Taha – Texas, USA

May 17, 2022 Stories 1

I have had same-sex attractions for as long as I can remember having any attractions. As a teenager, I learned to keep my feelings to myself as they would not be accepted and had the potential to bring me harm. At the time I was working very hard to maintain a mask and stifling any individuality or personal development. However, when I went to university, I had the freedom to explore who I was in a western, liberal environment. I gave in to my desires and engaged in lots of risky behavior that only provided me with overwhelming shame and guilt. After university, I made the decision to abandon that lifestyle and accept Islam wholeheartedly as my way of life. I became involved in the Muslim community and eventually got married Alhamdulillah. I continue to struggle with the attractions, but I am now able to practice more restraint and avoid acting on them.

What sort of things helped you in your journey and through your struggle?

Educating myself and really owning my Islam. Developing a strong relationship with Allah and learning to depend on Him alone. I also found connecting with other brothers going through the same thing quite therapeutic and encouraging.

What things did not help you in your journey?

Feeling isolated from society, not having any resources to answer my questions.

One Response

  1. Zain khan says:

    Salaam brother Yusuf. Jazakhallah for sharing your story. It resonates with my own experiences. Alhamdulillah marriage and connection with Allah & my Deen has been the turning point to recovery. Like most men, I struggle with the attraction most days if not daily but I manage it by constantly asking Allah’s aid & staying faithful to my marriage. I do however lack any kind of support group or male friends who experience the same challenges which makes me feel isolated & disconnected often. Also I never went for counseling or therapy about this issue and have only done self help. So I would love to connect.

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