A Study on the Barriers faced by Muslims with Same Sex Attraction in Accessing Support

A survey was created on Google Forms and distributed on various platforms, such as Straight Struggle Discord platform, the Strong Support private Facebook groups and the Strong Support mailing list. It was distributed between Tuesday 12th May 2020 and 25th May 2020.
Conducted by a volunteer, the purpose of this study was to determine if there were barriers faced by Muslims with unwanted same-sex-attraction in accessing support.
Highlights of the study of 50 respondents can be found below:
The fully study (in pdf) with analysis can be seen here.
attraction barriers muslims same same sex attraction sex SSA
2 Responses
[…] tendem a proibir e condenar a prática da sodomia (e também a pederastia). Um grupo de apoio para muçulmanos fez uma pesquisa informal (em inglês) entre os seus participantes, que evidencia que as dificuldades e necessidades […]
[…] – Br. Ali’s podcast interview on The Muslim Vibe– Strong Support homepage– Study: “Barriers for Muslims with SSA in Accessing Support” […]