Join an online videoconferencing group that supports Muslim men on addressing their feelings on same sex lust and issues around masculinity.
The circle or islamic ‘halaqa‘ aims for learning as a group where men can learn and share experiences in a non-judgmental environment.
This is an open and safe environment, for which, men must sign confidentiality and other liability agreements.
Why Support Circle?
- To be heard and listened to
- To develop a circle of trust among Muslims and feel a sense of belonging
- To grow and develop together in our path towards understanding ourselves better
- To take a practical view from the Quran and what teachings may help us in our struggle
- To discuss different psychological teachings which may help us in self awareness
- To learn from and listen (not advise) other members of the group who may have similar aims and objectives
- To develop a circle of trust among Muslims and feel a sense of belonging
- To have a regular accountability check on how they are progressing with their sexual sobriety or other goals
- Sometimes participants may not talk about issues necessarily related to sexuality or lust, it may be about an upcoming event, a milestone in their life or other mens issues they may face in being assertive and confident
What do the participants say?
How do I start?
We have 2 mens’ circles that meet weekly via Zoom video-conference.
Brother Ali’s:
- Tuesdays 7pm to 8.30pm UK
Brother Muhammad’s:
- Wednesday 7pm to 8pm UK (Currently FULL)
You must be a member that donates at least £20 monthly to participate in the group.
If you miss a session you had booked, it is not refundable. The group is facilitated entirely in English.
Please register below